Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Reflecting Kindness

We took Matt and Karissa to lunch and then popped in to visit Mom K in the Nursing Home. She was lying down, and almost asleep, but when she saw us, her whole face exploded into joy and she struggled to sit up. She asked for her brush so she could make her hair beautiful for her beloved grandson. Then she smiled at him, clasping her hands together, and gazing rapturously at him.
"It is incredible," she kept saying, "Look at him...and married too!"
We could not stay long. Matt and Karissa have final exams in Law School after Thanksgiving and had to get back to studying. I took a picture of her with Asherel, Matt, and Karissa and promised I would bring her a print so she could remember the visit. Then, everyone said goodbye, and after many hugs and kisses, left. I stayed behind for a moment to help Mom K lie back down.

She was unable to stop grinning, as I helped her lean back on her pillows.
"Are you glad we came?" I asked.
"Oh, yes! You made my day!" she exclaimed,"Next time I will rearrange in here, and make dinner."
I smiled and told her that would be lovely, as I helped her put her feet up and covered her with a blanket.

It takes so little to fill a heart with joy. So little and we are so often not willing to give even that. But as water reflects the trees that surround it, so our actions reflect our spirit. I pray we are a people that reflect compassion and kindness, and gratitude for those who love us.

Proverbs 27:19 (NIV)
As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.

-save a dog-

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