Monday, September 11, 2017

Speaking in the Storm

We are on the far edge of Irma's winds, but it is still supposed to hit 50 mph gusts, with danger from tumbling down trees and power lines. Driving is not encouraged. However, the abortion center is open. I guess I will try my best not to be blown away and will head over to join the rest of my committed and brave Cities4Life team. Maybe the mere sight of people on the sidewalk who care enough to show up in such weather to speak for the babies who cannot speak for themselves will encourage mothers not to abort.

The babies in the womb don't know there is a hurricane wreaking havoc with our world. All they know is the peaceful safety of the womb. For now. Honestly, they have every right to expect safety and peace in their mother's womb. Maybe if we show up, that peace will last beyond the next few hours...

Last night, I read a post on Facebook by someone asking if God is omniscient and powerful, why does He allow or possibly even cause the devastation of the hurricanes? Does that show God is good? I cannot answer that, not fully. I do know God is good. The first part of the question is harder to answer. I know the weather was perfect in Eden before humankind walked away from God in sin. We didn't want God's protection more than we wanted our own will and our own way. God handed us over to it.

I wonder if that person on Facebook poses the same question to his fellow humans. If we, with the power and knowledge of the destructive and fatal effect of abortions where a hurricane force suction dismembers a tiny human in the womb and sucks out her suffering body to her death...are we good?

Isaiah 25:4 

For you have been a stronghold to the poor, a stronghold to the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm and a shade from the heat; for the breath of the ruthless is like a storm against a wall,

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