Monday, December 17, 2018

I Cancelled My Abortion, Not My Baby

Some choices for life at the sidewalk of the abortion center are sweeter than others. All the babies are precious souls saved from a barbaric brutal death and our Cities4Life teams rejoice over every one. This woman looked at me as she got out of her car, and the conflict in her soul was palpable. I was there on the sidewalk of the abortion center earlier than usual. If I had not been, I would have missed her. I called out to her and I knew she was listening. She walked into the abortion center anyway. I then lifted my hands to heaven and prayed out loud. I don’t often do that, mostly because I am self -conscious and don’t want to be too weird,  but I knew in my soul this woman was on the fence. Divine intervention was crucial.

A few minutes later she came out. “Please, let us help you,” I called.
“I’m okay,” she said, getting in her car. 
However, as her car pulled out of the driveway, I approached her again and she rolled down her window. She took our pamphlet. I asked if she chose life, and she didn’t answer. She and her friend said, “It is very hard.”

To my amazement, she pulled to the side of the road, and listened to me as I shared our resources. And then she agreed to go on the Monroe HELP RV to see her baby on the mobile ultrasound. When she saw her acrobatic, active child on the ultrasound, she said, “Seeing my baby already loving his makes what was uncertain in me a certainty now.  Even though I don’t know how I will get through, I know this first decision is right.”

I asked her and her friend what made them leave the abortion center. They both agreed it was God...but more specifically, “When we walked through that door, you could feel a weight of heavy despair. Maybe in some there was relief, but it was only temporary. I mean, at the end of the day, it is a LIFE. As a mortal, do we have the right to take its life? No. We don’t.”

The “prochoice” people told them not to stop, not to talk to us. But our offers of help were compelling, and welcome. They stopped, and were so grateful they did. We talked a long time about God, how righteous lives are built on one righteous step followed by another, and the myriad resources that could help. 

After the sweet young mother, relieved and joyful left, I read what she had written on her intake form answering what she felt was the best decision regarding her child:

I cancelled my abortion...not my baby.

1 John 3:7 

Little children, let no one deceive you. Whoever practices righteousness is righteous, as he is righteous.


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