Sunday, April 21, 2019

He is Risen! He is Alive!

He is risen!! The most wonderful words ever spoken, and among the most verifiable truth by any honest standard. The disciples were terrified, quaking in the upper room, all having fled the scene of Jesus’ death. They had all denied Him. Not one stood with Him during those horrible hours of unspeakable agony as His enemies sought to destroy Him. Yet when those cowardly disciples claimed to have seen Jesus resurrected, alive, everything changed

They became bold champions of that truth despite persecution and torture. None recanted, not even during horrific martyr’s death which all but one of the eleven disciples who claimed to see the risen Christ endured. 


Why die for something you KNOW to be untrue? And they KNEW. One way or the other, they KNEW. They had either seen the risen Christ or they had not! 

Extrabibilical sources from that time period all agree on the historical facts: Jesus lived, claimed to be God, died by crucifixion, and His followers and 500 witnesses all claimed to see Him alive three days later. The tomb where He was buried was empty.

One easy way to disprove the claims as the early church exploded...produce a body. 

                                                                   because no one could.  

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