Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Living on the Edge

I learned many things on my kayak adventure yesterday. First, someone was shooting, either a target or at cars on Interstate 85 near Belmont. I kayaked wondering what the gunshot sounds were for awhile, and then decided, I didn't need to go any closer, and turned around. I saw an osprey nest, and two young osprey peered down at me, the wary mother beside them.

Then I went down a side river, following a very cute family kayaking with two little girls.
"Did you know kayak is the same forwards as backwards?" said the father to his little girls.
NO! I thought. Why had I never realized that!?
"That is called an onomatopoeia, " said the father, "No, wait...what is that called?"
I thought about that. It was definitely NOT onomatopoeia. About three minutes later, I remembered what it WAS.
"A Palindrome!" I called back to the kayakers, now behind me, "It is a palindrome!"
"Oh yeah!" said the father, "Thank you!"

I passed many turtles as I kayaked deeper into the more shallow, narrow, side river. I was soon all alone, and deep in a wilderness where the banks were closer and any predators could easily hop into my kayak. The water was very shallow, but I desperately wanted to see where this tangent waterway ended. Turtles didn't even bother to jump into the water. It was clear they had never been bothered by a kayak before and did not fear me.
Finally, I decided that it was not wise for me to go any further into this unexplored wilderness. If I were attacked by any creature, no one would find my remains for years.

I turned around.

I kayaked back to my dock, and in the last 5 minutes, realized I had kayaked about a half hour too long. I felt a little sick- too much sun and too much exercise. But oh how glorious it had been! I felt very brave, having gone to the deep dark jungle recesses where no kayakers before me had EVER been....at least not the hour I had been there. I have lived on the edge and survived.
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not tremble or be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (Joshua 1:9 NASB)

-save a dog- hollowcreekfarm.org

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