Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Not Knowing the Things Even the Birds Understand

Our morning speaking for the babies on the sidewalk of the abortion center was filled with interesting events. First, a Vietnamese couple who spoke no English approached me. I used Google Translator on my phone and was able to convince the man to bring his daughter out of the abortion center. Not bad for people who don't speak one word of each other's language. His wife however screamed at him, and the daughter never came out.

I called out to one man, thinking he was a boyfriend of one of the women aborting, and he said, "Go screw yourself!" (However he used more colorful language which I won't repeat.)
"I'm pretty sure that is anatomically impossible," I said.
He didn't laugh. It turns out he was one of the "pro-choice" escorts. 

Then, a woman who was opposed to abortion left her baby with us so she could go convince her friend to leave the center. After about an hour of holding the baby and passing her about to several of our counselors, certain I had just adopted a child, the woman returned. Her friend came with her. The new volunteer (!) and I convinced the friend not to abort and to come on our mobile ultrasound after she got her money back from the center. A "pro-choice" escort, standing nearby told the woman, "I am glad they are offering all these wonderful services to you, but if you still want to abort because of your life situation, I am here for you." (I had a hard time holding back my gag reflex with these words.)

An hour later, the women came out briefly to tell me the abortion center at first refused to refund, and then said they had to wait six weeks for a refund. I had to leave before they came out again, but am praying they remained strong against the intense pressure to abort I know they endured in there.

One car drove out and the woman passenger told me she had changed her mind... but her boyfriend (who was glowering in the driver seat) was trying to coerce her to abort. Later, one of the pro-choice folks told me, "We always ask if the women are being coerced."
"Really?" I said, "Well you missed one."

It was really too late for me to kayak after I got home and ate a late lunch...but I decided it didn't matter. I HAD to commune with God in the beauty of His creation. It's been two weeks since I last kayaked. I missed the river terribly and the peace it always brings me. My kayak is in my car ready to go at any moment, so I dashed to the river.

The river was very high, and the current was unusually strong. It was not easy kayaking. But along the way, I saw nesting herons in the treetops. Their babies were so big that their nests were very crowded.  It could not have been very comfortable for the mother herons, each squashed in a nest with two babies who were nearly full size. It must be very difficult to catch enough fish to feed such large nearly grown birds.   

What good mothers, I thought.

This is the way the world was designed to be. A mother's nest and a mother's womb were both meant to be places of safety. It was heartening to see the young herons. I'm so glad there weren't any other birds up there trying to convince the herons how much easier life would be if they just tossed those babies overboard.

Jeremiah 8:7

Even the stork in the heavens knows her times, and the turtledove, swallow, and crane keep the time of their coming, but my people know not the rules of the Lord.

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