Sunday, November 4, 2018

Are We Listening When God is Shouting Loud and Clear?

I stood up the street from the abortion center as usual, encouraging drivers on their way into the clinic to stop and talk with me. We have so many resources that can help women reconsider their situation. Cities4Life is not only committed to spreading the truth about the baby’s humanity, God’s clear word on the precious sanctity of human life, and the horror of abortion, but also provides tangible help to reduce the obstacles the woman faces. To that end, I was waving at a car approaching me.

I am always surprised when the driver stops. This woman smiled at me and rolled down her window. Her car was an expensive, immaculate vehicle.
“Hi,” I said, “Are you heading to the clinic?”
She nodded.
“May I give you this?” I asked, handing her our literature. “We have all kinds of resources that can help you so you do not need to choose to abort your baby. On that RV right there, we will do a free pregnancy test and ultrasound, and then discuss how we can help you.”
“Oh thank you,” she said, taking the pamphlet. “But I can’t have this baby. You see, I have two children already.”
“Well actually you have three,” I said. “The baby in your womb is your third child. Do you love the two other children?”
“Oh yes,” she answered.
“You will love this one just as much. Did you know if you missed your period, that little baby’s heart is already beating?”
She looked surprised. Now she switched gears.
“I can’t have this baby...there are health issues I might encounter if I have another child.”
“We have a doctor that will give you a second opinion on that for free,” I said.

At that very moment, I got a text from one of our counselors down the street. It said, “Dr. Harrison and his family just showed up to pray!”

Dr. Harrison is a very busy man. I don’t see him on the sidewalk often. He is the incredible man who pioneered Abortion Pill Reversal protocol, and the very doctor who provides second opinions that I had JUST told the woman about.

I was about to tell her this miraculous news of God swinging wide open a door for her, when one of the “pro-choice” people came to the car. 
“She is not with the clinic. Just drive away, or she will never stop talking. You can’t block the road. Just drive on, the clinic is up there.”
The woman shot me a desperate look, and drove away. She kept my literature.

I quickly texted my team down the street to have Dr. Harrison call out to this woman, but by the time they relayed that to him, the woman was inside the clinic. As far as I know, she aborted her child. 

I grieved, as I always do over the death of these innocent babies. There were several things that were exposed in the encounter. First, the expensive car showed me finances were not the issue. The advent of one more child was not the issue as shown by her quick switch to a new excuse. The potential of problems in child-bearing was not the issue. She would not even entertain the idea of talking to a doctor about whatever possible health risks she supposedly might encounter. The knowledge of the fact that the baby was indeed alive with a beating heart was not the issue. 

As so often happens out there, God provided an immediate, miraculous path to follow Him rather than her destructive desire to kill her baby. She made her choice to disregard God, but it was not because God didn’t care, or God condoned it, or God left her no choice because of a desperate situation He could have prevented. The value of a living human baby did not apparently matter to her more than her own desire not to bring that child safely to term.

As always, I came home from that encounter and the memory would not let me go. How often does God speak clearly to ME, show me miraculous provision and a way out of sin... and I ignore Him? Do I pretend I don’t see Him or hear Him when He is standing right there? May God help us all to harken to His commands and His clear voice.

John 8:47 

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.”

Proverbs 2:1-5 

My son, if you receive my words and treasure up my commandments with you, making your ear attentive to wisdom and inclining your heart to understanding; yes, if you call out for insight and raise your voice for understanding, if you seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasures, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.

John 10:27-28 

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.

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