Monday, December 24, 2012

Be Gentle

Last night, my cousin Sue ran her Newtown Christmas Pageant with the little children from her church. Many had been directly involved in the Newtown horror a little over a week ago. She said it was wonderful to see them in the pageant, smiling again. I think some worried they might never smile again.

We all went to see the new movie, Lincoln, last night. It was the Christmas gift to us from Matt and Karissa, with giant popcorn and drinks the offering from Anders. It was a movie filled with deep messages, but one of the strong images I carried away was of the gentleness and kindness of Lincoln. He didn't waver from his convictions, but he always did so with gentleness and apparent respect and love for the frail and flawed humanity around him. He didn't lead by forcing his views on others...except of course that whole civil war thing....but by patiently and with humor and folksy stories endearing himself to all. It reminded me very much of Jesus with His parables. Lincoln didn't always explain his stories, but they left the desired impact anyway.

God sent a gentle offering to mankind as well. He didn't force Himself on us, but urged us to learn of Him, to abide with Him, initially through the sweet and gentle vehicle of a baby born to die for us. A baby cannot coerce; it can only plead, often through tears, and we respond as we choose.

The older I grow, the more I long for gentleness. It is such a harsh place, this world. I think that is why I was so enamored of the little angora rabbits we visited last week. There are few creatures more gentle than a bunny.

I enter Christmas Eve with visions of little children so recently facing raw evil now smiling as they reenact the story of Jesus' birth. My thoughts tumble about the image of a kind man who had to do very hard things to bring freedom to a suffering people. My hope kindles with the celebration of a little baby lying in a manger bearing the burden of all humanity on His tiny shoulders. And my heart rejoices over my children, home again for at least this week.

Philippians 4:5
Let your gentleness be known to everyone. The Lord is near.

-save a dog-

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