Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I didn't watch Ted Cruz filibuster all night, but I read comments from friends about it this morning. Go Ted! I love what he is doing! Most of us can't stand up and speak for an hour for what we believe in...let alone all night. When I woke up and started watching, Marco Rubio was giving Cruz a break, but then Cruz intends to keep talking.

When Job of the Bible and his "friends" were lamenting the evil that had befallen him, one friend remained silent. At first. His name was Elihu. Finally, after listening to the "older and wiser" friends speak nonsense, Elihu could stand it no more. Though he was younger...just a "freshman senator" of sorts, he could not be silent any longer while knowing what was being proposed was utter foolishness. So he spoke, because he knew that there is a time to withhold words, and there is a time to speak.

When God finally answers Job, He rebukes the "older and wiser" friends, but not Elihu. Scholars argue about why Elihu wasn't included in the rebuke, but I have my own opinion. Elihu was respectful, courteous, and gentle in empathizing with Job's suffering. He did not speak out of arrogance, but out of an intense desire to speak the truth on behalf of God. He could not remain silent, and his speech prepared the way for Job to hear God's words which roared out of the Heavens when Elihu finished his filibuster...

Keep Cruzin' , Ted!


and he said to them: I am much younger than you, so I have shown respect by keeping silent. I once believed age was the source of wisdom; now I truly realize wisdom comes from God. Age is no guarantee of wisdom and understanding. That's why I ask you to listen to me. * (Job 32:6-10 CEVUS06)

-save a dog-

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