Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Best Health Care Provider

Reading about diseases on the internet is not advisable. I correctly self diagnosed "dupuytrens contractures" in my hand (my primary doctor was impressed and concurred), but I also depressed myself finding out it was "incurable" and "progressive." I knew at some point, the growing contracture of my right thumb would need to be operated on, and at some point I would need to see a specialist. But since there is no cure, and for now, I have good mobility, I am waiting. And praying. I pray that by the time the contracture affects my ability to open a box of delicious crackers, a less terrible, pain-free procedure other than surgery will be developed.

Dupuytrens is characterized by nodules in the palm and thickening cords that grow on the finger tendons, slowly pulling the fingers into the palms (think witch-like claws just in time for Halloween...Too bad I don't celebrate that.) It rarely affects the thumb, but that is the digit that is affected in me. That's cause I'm SPECIAL. Yippee. It also affects mostly men, not women. SPECIAL again! Anyway, I have been increasingly worried about the slow loss of range in my thumb and wondering when I ought to see a hand therapist.

Yesterday, on the internet I read a research study about the positive effects of massage on dupuytrens contractures. Massage! That sounds pain free. I wrote immediately to the researcher who was requesting volunteers. "Where do I sign up?" I asked.

And then I ran into my lovely friend Roxan, who incidentally is a massage therapist. I asked her if she was familiar with dupuytrens. Not only was she familiar with it, but she said she can heal it with massage! She looked at my hand, and said, "Oh, you have it good...!" and then sent me home with instructions. She reminded me that it had taken incremental steps and a long time for my hand to develop the contractures, and the healing might likewise take time and incremental steps. Along with some very gentle beginning massage techniques, she encouraged me to thank God for the blessing of His healing.

My kind of health care provider!

And so I went home and did the gentle exercises and listened to my husband gulp when he got a letter in the mail from our health insurance provider. Due to the wonderful affordable new government takeover, our premiums will TRIPLE. Yes...TRIPLE. I realized I was ripping the skin off my hand with my "gentle" massage as I pondered the lovely era of socialism and forced government dependency in America.

But then I thought of Roxan, and her glowing demeanor and her gentle encouragement. The incremental steps that have eroded our freedom could be reversed, but like my hand, it may take time, and it may not happen all at once. God is in control, and He can heal my hand just as surely as He can heal my nation. Or He may choose not to. Either way about it, the best I can do is remember, "Thank God for the Blessing."

My whole being, praise the Lord and do not forget all his kindnesses. He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. He saves my life from the grave and loads me with love and mercy. He satisfies me with good things and makes me young again, like the eagle. (Psalms 103:2-5 NCV)

-save a dog-

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