Monday, December 30, 2013

A Cheerful Heart

It was cold and rainy yesterday and I was not quite healthy. Nothing major, just a cough and malaise. However, Asherel was at a party all afternoon and thus would miss the midday walk with the dog she was dog-sitting. I offered to do the walk for her.

I headed to Max's house. Max doesn't know me at all, and yet, from the moment that big happy dog saw me, I was his best friend. He wiggled his whole back end with delight, leaned against me, and let me know that no one on earth was even close to as magnificent as I was.

Then Max and I eagerly stepped out the door for our walk. I was not as eager as Max, feeling less than wonderful, but Max's enthusiasm was infectious. He trotted along, sniffing the air, watering as many bushes as he could reach, and perking his ears at every squirrel. Whenever we passed other people, he began wagging his tail wildly, begging them to pet him. When we passed other dogs, he whined and pulled, imploring me to let him play with them. Max was the happiest, most good natured dog I have had the pleasure of meeting in a long time. Max exemplified cheerful. Here he was, owners gone several days, all alone in a big house, and contact with humans just three times a day. He had a lot to be mopey about. But Max exuded good cheer.

I did a little word study in my Bible on "cheerful" when I got home. There are numerous verses, but one thing is clear -- a cheerful heart is good medicine. No wonder I was feeling better after walking Max!

As I locked the front door and started home, Max stood at the front window watching me. He didn't look sad or try to fill me with guilt. He looked grateful and wagged his tail; his ears perked and his expression was cheerful.


All the days of the oppressed are wretched, but the cheerful heart has a continual feast. (Proverbs 15:15 NIV)

A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones. (Proverbs 17:22 NIV)

A man's cheerful heart gives him strength when he is sick. You can't keep going if you have a broken spirit. (Proverbs 18:14 NIRV)

-save a dog-

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