Sunday, January 5, 2014

When the Wind Chills Your Faith...

As the homeschool ski group organizer, I get to make the tough decisions. For example, do we want to go on our scheduled day Tuesday if the forecast is calling for wind chills of 10 and 20 degrees BELOW zero? I am pretty sure at that temperature the vitreous fluid in eyeballs crystallizes. And by the way, this is not a hypothetical. The forecast is indeed making these dire predictions. Good golly, that's cold!

I hate being in charge when I have to make calls that disappoint some people. The families with little kids do not want to ski in 20 degrees below zero wind chill. The teens in the group admit they might have to wear a sweater, but otherwise, no biggie! Meanwhile, I went on a walk in the 30 degree above 0 day yesterday wondering why global warming seems to have bypassed Charlotte, and could not begin to imagine how hideous it would be if it felt like it were 50 degrees colder as forecast for Tuesday.

So I am watching the weather and hoping the forecast shifts about 30 degrees. Right now, I would even be ok with ten degree wind chill...

This is the thing, however. If God wants us to ski, He can shift the weather. He makes the ice and He makes the rain. If He chooses to make the ice, forcing us to huddle in our homes, maybe He is saving us from something we need saving from. It really alters one's perspective if instead of railing against adverse circumstances and disappointments, one has faith that even those hard things come from the hand of God. There is a purpose and benefit in everything He brings across our path. It is often easier to heed His opening doors rather than His shutting them. It is important to remember He does both.

If the wind chill remains at 20 degrees below zero on Tuesday, I have no doubt God has a good reason for why I should instead remain home that day. And be assured, I will be home if the forecast doesn't change.

Psalm 147: 16-18
16 He gives snow like wool;
he scatters frost like ashes.
17 He hurls down his crystals of ice like crumbs;
who can stand before his cold?
18 He sends out his word, and melts them;
he makes his wind blow and the waters flow.


  1. This is an outstanding perspective of the coming arctic temps. God absolutely works in mysterious ways, and He's sending this freezing weather (even here in SW Georgia) to keep people inside. We may never know the reason, but it will be interesting to see if the reason is revealed. Thanks for such a good post, Vicky!

    1. thank you so much Jan. we may not know His purpose till we get to Heaven.


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