Monday, May 4, 2015


This is one of my favorite places on earth - the front porch of a marina overlooking the Catawba River. I was sitting in a white rocking chair, as the breeze caressed me, after kayaking. Across the river on the tops of those trees, dozens of Great Blue Herons are nesting.

I sat quietly for several minutes enjoying the view and the wonder of relaxing in a beautiful place. I wished (not for the first time) that I could talk my folks into coming for an extended visit. I would bring them to this porch, settle them on the white rocking chairs, and they could watch the nesting herons. You can't see them well in this photo, but they are easily seen in reality. I imagine any time now the little herons will hatch.

How blessed I am to be here, to be sitting in a soft breeze in a beautiful place! That thought ran over and over in my head. I knew the following day would have its share of challenges. What a joy to have this moment of quiet and peace, and sense that God was wrapping His arms around me.

This morning, as every Monday morning, I head out to the sidewalks of the busiest abortion mill in Charlotte. I will try, as I do every Monday, to encourage the abortion-minded mothers to choose life instead. I will be armed with ten new "blessing bags" given to me by my church class. The bags are filled with baby items, and most importantly, a Bible. Those bags are given to every mother who turns from abortion and chooses life.

As I sat on the porch, rocking, and watching the expectant herons, I thought how every one of them would die defending their young. What has gone wrong in our culture that we do not have the simple knowledge of birds?

Deuteronomy 30:19 

I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live,


  1. God bless you Vicky.Praying for you as you head out. May God give you exactly the words that you need for today's Mothers and their supporters. And may babies and Moms' be saved from the mistake of abortion.

    1. Thank you! And prayers on your behalf as you speak at Daley square today -- may hearts turn to the Lord!


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