Chrissy- counsels three times a week on the sidewalk of Charlotte Abortion Center |
Chrissy has been a sidewalk counselor for years. She is one of our most persistent, determined counselors, never giving up when a woman is in sight that she can call out to. She is a humble and gentle soul, and is likely responsible alone for hundreds of babies being alive today. Was she always this determined to be a force to reckon with on the sidewalks of abortion centers?
You might be surprised by her answer:
I went kicking and screaming to the abortion mill. Obviously I did not feel led by God to go. My brother had been trying to coerce me into this ministry for a long time so to appease him, I went. He fed me to the wolves but by the grace of God, when I saw the picture of baby Malachi, the aborted baby, my heart broke. All of these women swarming into the abortion mill to do the same thing to their little one in the womb overwhelmed me. I didn't know what to do and then I remembered what my brother said: my job was to suit up and show up, and God's job was to do the saving.
Praise God He did the saving yesterday, and Lord willing, more precious babies will be saved today. So many counselors (myself included) start off kicking and screaming, saying I could NEVER do this sort of work. What a surprise for Chrissy and for me that what began in protest became our passion. Funny how God sometimes works that way...
For more information on how to become a sidewalk counselor, please email me at
Deuteronomy 20:4
For the Lord your God is he who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies, to give you the victory.’