Friday, January 26, 2018

How Has God Used Your Mouth Today?

Ok, I admit it. I am a wimp. I am TERRIFIED of the dentist. I have good teeth, strong, and in good shape. However, every time I go for a cleaning, it HURTS. I seem to have overactive, jumpy nerves and there are a few spots that send me through the roof when the dental hygienist hits them. I have BEGGED them to chart those spots, and then NOT to go near them. 

So it was with GREAT trepidation I went to my cleaning yesterday. Now, fortunately, right before my appointment I got a call from a desperate abortion minded mother who needed to be talked off the cliff. She totally took my mind off the ordeal I was soon to face. I was talking to her till the moment I had to hop in the car. She had sounded like she was feeling empowered, and believed maybe she could have this baby after all by the time I got off the phone.

Now I needed whatever courage I had managed to impart to her to pour over me. My heart was racing. My hands were clammy. My teeth were clenched.. I settled into the dental chair to await my fate. Ellie asked how my morning had gone. I was too scared to answer. 

Fine. Just fine. Now just get this over with.

She set to her work. First, a new thing at my dentist’s office. She took my blood pressure. 

“A little high.”

Uh huh. Wonder why?????

Not high enough, sadly, to send me to the ER, so Ellie began scraping, and grinding, and polishing, and all the horrible things I can barely bear to list. But GET THIS. Not one second of pain! 

Never in my life have I had a dental cleaning that didn’t hurt.

Now when she asked me a second time how my morning had gone, I told her. First, I praised her to high heaven. And then I told her about how a mom I had counseled who had thought she would have to abort now would not abort. 

Ellie wrote the name of our ministry and my phone number down. Maybe she would like to volunteer in some way with us.

You just never know how God might use your mouth each day to advance His work.
Click HERE for info on volunteering with Cities4Life


Psalm 141:3 

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!

Jeremiah 1:9 


Then the Lord put out his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, “Behold, I have put my words in your mouth.

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