Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The Face of Evil

For the record, the dog in the photo is NOT the face of evil. He was the comfort after seeing the face of evil. Here’s the story.
Some days at the sidewalks of the abortion center are more emotional than others. I am never sure what will spark deep feelings. I suspect that I have subconsciously learned to keep the sense of unbearable grief at bay, but there are times that the sorrow of what is happening in the building just across a small expanse of grass and asphalt grips me like a vise.

The morning yesterday started happily enough. I woke early so I would have time to walk my granddog Ragnar a full hour before heading to the sidewalks of the abortion center. It was his last day with me for this visit. He was his usual delightful, exuberant self. We logged eight miles together the day before, and he was still raring to go for his morning jaunt. We only had enough time for three miles, but he knew when I returned from the sidewalks, we would conquer more miles. I love to walk just as much as he does.

So I was not feeling the weight of the horror of abortion when I arrived at the sidewalks. But suddenly, the cars started pouring in, and then disgorged woman after woman. The women lined up at the clinic door like “sheep being led to the slaughter”.  I called out to them till I was hoarse, not even noticing the rest of my team was there. They took over calling out.

But that wasn’t really what started the feeling of oppressive despair. It was only in part precipitated by the “pro-choice” escorts who show up each morning to encourage the woman NOT to stop and speak with us. In addition, they always try to distract us from calling out, and will engage in taunts and accusations designed to discourage and intimidate us. It doesn’t work. 

What it does do is make me feel a deep burden of sadness for those people. How can they find delight in thwarting the choice for life? How can they laugh at the death of innocent babies?

But it was not the usual bitter and angry “pro-choice” group that set off my deep sorrow. I didn’t even realize what it was till I started writing this blog and suddenly remembered what had started the cascade of grief that made me battle tears the first part of the morning. 

A man in a wheelchair who is a “pro-choice” protester sits in the driveway and tells the cars not to stop for us. Before the deluge of cars or any other “pro-choice” people had arrived,  I was all alone with him there, I said hello. I always try to be polite and kind. 

“Cold day,” I said.
“Yes,” he agreed, “A beautiful day for an abortion.”

I stared at him, dumbfounded. Speechless at first. He smiled and I could hardly bear the wickedness of that remark. It was like looking at the face of pure evil.

A beautiful day for an abortion???

Finally I said, “That makes me very sad that you would say or think such a thing.”

I turned away, and it was all I could do for the next hour not to cry. I still am fighting tears as I write this. What kind of twisted mind or calloused heart would ever find beauty in the violent, barbaric death of an innocent human baby? If it was a joke, who would joke about such a thing? And day after day, he shows up. He hears the Gospel which we share repeatedly while speaking to the women. He hears all the offers of help from Cities4Life counselors over and over again.  How could it NOT impact him? What hope is there for our society if people like him can turn such a blind eye to the suffering and tragedy of a million babies a year being slaughtered by their own parents’ consent?

Two mothers chose life. One took my literature on her way out and told me she was reconsidering. It certainly helped lift the blanket of grief that had nearly suffocated me the first hour.

And then I returned to Ragnar, who greeted me joyfully. He was eager to head off on walk number two. I was grateful for the diversion from the memory of the man who rejoiced over the death of the unborn.

If you want to be a voice for the voiceless and volunteer on the sidewalks alongside people who love life and value the sanctity of life, click HERE for information.

Isaiah 5:20 

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

Proverbs 8:13 

The fear of the Lord is hatred of evil. Pride and arrogance and the way of evil and perverted speech I hate.

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