Wednesday, October 24, 2018

A Different Sort of Pro-Life Post

See this beautiful dog, this dog that gets full rights to our couches, a dog door so he can come in and out as he pleases, daily runs and walks, a perpetually full dog food and water bowl? Do you see what is in his mouth? 

Perhaps the picture above will help you. This beautiful, pampered dog is eating a squirrel. That is bad enough in my eyes...a person who loves ALL life and hates to see anything die or certainly half eaten. However, it is even worse than it looks. Let me back up and tell you the whole story.

 I was returning from a walk during which a woman called me. The woman was abortion minded, but told me she wanted to get an ultrasound. If she was pregnant with twins, she would not “murder” the babies (Note: her word, not mine), but if she was pregnant with only one baby she would murder it. I knew that I could arrange an ultrasound for her, but there was no way I would do so until she had a better understanding of the fact that the value of human life is NOT dependent on how many little humans were in her womb. Each and every human being in her womb had value and worth and an intrinsic right to life endowed by the Creator of all things. This woman claimed to love Jesus. I had the green light (from God) to share the truth of the Gospel as well as the critical verse, “If you call me Lord, why do you not do what I say?”

So for forty minutes, I walked while asking her questions leading her to admit the following: yes the baby was human, yes even aborting one baby was murder just like aborting twins would be, yes it was wrong, yes God was clear in His commands regarding the value of that innocent human life. She became silent when I shared what it means to claim Jesus as Lord. If we claim we love Him, but then don’t do what He says, is He REALLY Lord of our lives?

By now,  she had arrived at her work place and we were out of time. She promised to call me back today. I pray she does because her heart was definitely softening and the baby’s life is hanging on what she does with the truths she knows. The call ended as I reached my door. When I unlocked the door, I saw that beautiful dog leap off my couch with something furry dangling out of his mouth. I figured he was skedaddling out the dog door with one of his dog toys.

But, something in my spirit told me that was not quite right. I want to the back door and peered out at the beautiful dog. He clearly had a headless squirrel in his mouth and that headless squirrel had been ON MY COUCH. To prove that fact, a tiny bloody claw that clearly once belonged to the headless squirrel was still ON MY COUCH.

The proof that there is a God is the fact that I cover my couches with blankets because the beautiful dog sheds buckets of fur each day. I flew into action, stripping the couch of the blanket and putting it on the longest, hottest wash cycle known to man. Then I went back to assess if there were other squirrel parts in my living room. I found two small drops of blood which I cleaned up while trying not to vomit.

But first I locked the dog door. No way was the squirrel murderer coming back in. At least not until he drank a pail of soapy water and SCOPE mouthwash.

Then I vacuumed. I went over every inch of my house with the powerful vacuum hoping that any loose squirrel fur or pieces would be sucked away forever. And meanwhile, what was the beautiful dog doing?

That’s right. He was begging to come in with that tongue that had lapped squirrel blood hanging out of his mouth. No way. I figured at least an hour of repentance and swallowing was necessary before he could come back in.

So I can’t get away from it. The battle for life or death follows me wherever I go. I mourned for that squirrel. I feed the beautiful dog plenty of nice packaged kibble. He doesn’t need to kill squirrels. But he is not satisfied with what his master has provided for him, and takes matters into his own murderous paws.

I could not help but think back to my call with the abortion-minded mother. I grieve for the Eden we lost when we were first deceived by Satan and turned from God and all His promises of provision and protection.

Luke 6:46 

“Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you?

Matthew 7:21 

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.


My new pro-life novel which explores the truth of God’s word regarding the unborn and the Lordship of Christ in an entertaining series is newly available on Amazon in both print and ebook format. Click here for information.


1 comment:

  1. " hour of repentance and swallowing..." You crack me up!


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