Sunday, October 21, 2018

How to Point Abortion-Minded Women to God

Nearly every day I receive texts like the one above from moms who chose life over abortion. Sometimes the texts are expressing needs, and then I relay those on to our Cities4Life  network of friends and supporters. Almost always, those needs are met.  Sometimes the texts are of women still in crisis who need to know there is someone who will hear them, and help them refocus on God and Truth regarding the precious nature of the child within their womb. Sometimes, the texts are simply to express gratitude and delight in following God and loving their child. Often the texts express regret that they ever considered abortion, knowing what they know now.

It is an enormous privilege to work with a ministry that understands true change in heart and behavior begins with true change in belief. If Jesus is truly Lord of our lives, our behavior will follow that belief. Changing behavior without changing beliefs will never endure.

I have been a sidewalk counselor for life at the busiest abortion center in the Southeast for five years now. I have collected hundreds of stories over those years, and learned first hand the deception and destruction of abortion. I have also experienced countless glorious times the night and day change in behavior and attitude towards the unborn when the Gospel is shared and accepted as true.

God has always given me a desire to write. I have always loved story-telling, as long as I can remember. It is one of the reasons I am so in love with Jesus. He was a master story-teller and He used the power of stories, parables, to change the world. So when I write, I feel the pleasure and prompting of God to tell stories that will bring Him glory and draw others to Him.

My latest series is fiction, but based on my experiences on the sidewalks of the abortion centers. While no character is meant to represent a single living person, each character is based on compilations of actual events and people I have encountered over the years. I pray these books will be a source of joy to my readers, but also perhaps a guide in how to confront abortion in a God-honoring way.

If interested Book 1 can be found HERE.

Book 2, just released, is available HERE.

To all of you who love life and know that the unborn deserve our mutual protection, thank you. Keep spreading truth. In the end, God wins.

1 Corinthians 9:24 

Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? So run that you may obtain it.

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