Saturday, October 7, 2017

How Do We Peacefully Confront Government Abuse of Power? We Keep Following God

This may look like just another day at the abortion center. There is our team on the sidewalk, some people on the microphone offering resources, some in humble prayer, some holding signs encouraging women to stop and talk with us about other choices than abortion, some contemplating the horror of thirty babies dying in one place on a single day only a few miles from several churches.

But it was not a typical day. As we gathered to minister to the conflicted women who could benefit so greatly from all the resources we offer, police vans began arriving. At one time I believe there were six vans and twelve police officers. They began scurrying all over the street and parking lot, but did not talk to any of us.  We assume from the actions that they were measuring sight lines in gathering information for the City Council and Department of Transportation to determine if they could zone Latrobe Drive NO PARKING, thus removing our RV with the mobile ultrasound unit from the curb of the center.

One would think there was a major riot going on judging from the show of police force. Do we REALLY look like people who would cause trouble? Or maybe, they wanted the clinic to look like exactly what it was...a crime scene where innocent defenseless humans were being slaughtered every day.

Three women chose life, maybe from our words to them, maybe from the obvious prayers for them, but certainly from hearts convicted by God that what they had intended to do would destroy not only their baby but themselves.

I wrote a letter voicing my deep concern over recent events of city officials seizing our property, harassing us, writing us citations and threatening jail if we don't comply over codes whose infractions we supposedly commit with different arbitrary violations that are NOT in the code. I sent the letter to the mayor, every city council member, the city attorney, the city manager, and several news organizations. The only one who wrote back to thank me for the information was council member Kenny Smith. It's nice to have one person to whom I pay the salary through my taxes acknowledge a constituent.

Here is a partial document we sent to every member of City Council. We felt they ought to know what we are doing out there on the sidewalk. The names are not included to preserve the privacy of these women, but this is a snippet of how we have helped a small portion of all the women we have helped over the years.

A Few Testimonies of Women Grateful We Were At 3220 Latrobe When They Went to Abort:
V went very reluctantly to the abortion center. She believed in God, and she knew He would not approve of an abortion. However, she felt overwhelmed, not knowing how she could manage and feeling that having just had a baby a few months ago, another baby now would be impossible. Still, she prayed as she drove to the abortion center that God would give her a sign. She saw the RV parked on the curbside in front of the abortion center. She heard the counselors calling out to her, offering hope and help, and spiritual truths she’d known since she was a child. She knew God was sending her signs. She went in the center, but it was so crowded, she decided to leave. God was really speaking, she told us later! She pulled over to talk with us, came on the RV to see her baby, and shared the obstacles she faced. Not only was Cities4Life and Love Life Charlotte able to offer help in every single area, but while on the RV, V received a job offer for the job she had most wanted. She felt God had rewarded her by sending Cities4Life, the RV, and a job!

J was post-abortive but still testing positive for pregnancy after a surgical abortion . She went to the center, but told us they were rude in there. They did an ultrasound and said it was inconclusive if a baby was still there or not (!?). We were all confused over this since they are supposed to count the baby parts after a surgical abortion to be sure they got all the baby pieces out. They gave her pills (not telling her what they were) and told her just take them, and in 2 weeks, if she wanted to, she could return to be sure she was no longer pregnant. She came on the RV weeping. She deeply regretted the abortion, and had been depressed ever since. She asked if we could do an ultrasound. Due to restrictions for limited ultrasounds, we could not. However, we gave her a list of facilities that could. We offered her the LoveLife mentorship program to help with her deep grieving over the abortion. We shared the Gospel, and she tearfully asked Jesus to be Lord, saying for the first time she felt the weight of what she had done begin to lift. She texted us later to tell us that tissue from the surgical abortion remained in her womb, and she had to have that removed. She was very sad, but said she was eternally grateful that we had been there to comfort, guide her in resources to help, and share the hope and love of Jesus.

Jo came out of the abortion center sobbing. She pulled over and told us she was in anguish. She didn’t want to abort but had no idea what else to do. She was from another country and all alone. Her boyfriend told her if she didn’t abort, he would leave her. Like so many women we encounter, she knew God and knew abortion was wrong, but felt trapped, no other choice. What could she do? She came on the RV. We discussed the obstacles and offered the Love Life mentorship and discussed our resources that could help her. We prayed and shared the truth of God with her. By the end, she said she felt empowered, joyful, and excited about her baby. Most of all, she no longer felt alone.

Vee left the center but didn’t stop to talk with us since the pro-choice crowd told her not to. She got part way down the street, then returned. She pulled over and told us she had chosen life and was so grateful for all we had said on behalf of the child that had influenced her decision. She did not know God, but prayed with us and wanted to learn more about Jesus. We shared the Gospel then and there, and she asked Jesus to be Lord. She was thrilled to hear about Love Life and the offers of help, especially the baby shower that provides every thing the baby needs for the first two years of life. She had no idea help was available and was deeply grateful.

N went in to abort, but then heard us sharing the truth about the baby’s development and beating heart at 17 days, and decided she could not abort. She came on the RV thinking she was maybe 7 weeks pregnant. She was in her last trimester!!! She had nothing for the baby. We organized a baby shower instantly which we hosted within two weeks that provided all she needed. She lives in one of the most dangerous, crime-ridden, impoverished developments in Charlotte. All her neighbors came to the shower and all of them wept, overcome by the lavish help of strangers. When we returned after taking N out to a fancy dinner, the neighbors all were gathered with a surprise – they had assembled the crib, stroller, swings, etc.  They CHEERED the baby shower team like they were heroes. We felt that experience may have done more to help race relations in that neighborhood than any affirmative action law.

K went to abort with her gay friend and ex-lover as support system. She decided to come on our RV since she was conflicted about abortion. She told us she had nightmares and lived in fear that she was going to hell. Her gay friend said the same thing. Both said they had done so much wrong in life, and knew the abortion was just one more wrong in a long list of terrible acts. We showed K her baby on the ultrasound and her demeanor changed. She would not abort. She wanted to know how to escape the fear of hell she struggled with. We shared the gospel and both she and her friend asked many questions, and said they wanted the peace and strength of knowing Jesus. Both prayed on the RV to ask Jesus to be Lord of their lives. Both said they had a lot of changes they knew were necessary. Both were so grateful we had been there.

C was in an abusive marriage and saw no way out but abortion. Her husband had just beaten her two days before, all the while knowing she was pregnant with twins. She wanted to place the twins for adoption, but her husband would not relinquish paternity rights. She met our counselor before our RV arrived. He  called another counselor who provided detailed information of what to do in the abusive situations, as well as finding a lawyer that would help her for free. The counselor outlined every step C needed to take, and then made copies of a whole host of resources which she rushed down to the abortion center. Another counselor and the RV now arrived. They showed C her twins, and offered more immediate help, including housing and mentorship/resources through Love Life Charlotte. The next day, the counselor shared the Gospel with C, who joyously accepted Jesus as Lord. Since that time, she has been out to the sidewalk herself several times to tell the women that what Cities4Life says they will do, they do, and these moms need the truth and hope of Jesus as well.

P was told by her mother that she had to abort…or else. Her mother was furious. P was in college and didn’t know how she could have a baby. She had walked away from God and lost much of her faith. However, she still felt that abortion was wrong. But she didn’t know how she could still go to school and manage with a baby. She came on the RV wondering if we could show her her baby and help her decide wisely. We shared our resources and talked about how so many colleges  have daycare on site. We later started a small fund for donations to her to help with school ( she was awestruck by the donation). After seeing her baby on the RV she chose life. We sent her immediately for a free 3d ultrasound with a partner organization, and she was delighted to find out she was having a boy. That night she texted the counselor saying: ”I just felt him move! I know it’s late but I just wanted to tell you! I am so overjoyed. I felt so liberated that he is going to be something special!”


Does this sound or look like something the city should be vigorously attempting to shut down, to impede, and to limit? Is Charlotte's rising violent crime rate helped by all those police officers being diverted for half a morning to a street with light traffic four car widths across and a small gathering of peaceful Christians praying and offering help to hurting women?

Please contact City Manager, Marcus Jones, at to express your concern.

And if you would like to join us, we are always eager for volunteers. Please contact me at

James 4:17

So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Let love be genuine. Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.

You who are of purer eyes than to see evil and cannot look at wrong, why do you idly look at traitors and remain silent when the wicked swallows up the man more righteous than he?

Let him turn away from evil and do good; let him seek peace and pursue it.

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