Sunday, March 18, 2018

A story of Reversing an Abortion and Testing Faith

A wide-eyed six-year-old took my photo. Her name is Abigail. She was totally enthralled with my kayak. I told her that I was pretty nervous. This photo might be the last picture of me alive. I was venturing into water where an ALLIGATOR had been spotted. Also, it was the maiden voyage with my new sun canopy. I might flip over as soon as I hit the water. I was very safe and secure sitting in my kayak on the dock. I had faith my kayak would remain afloat on the water, but it had not yet been tested. I was smiling in this photo, but my knees were shaking....

I waved goodbye after thanking Abigail, and slipped into the possibly ALLIGATOR infested river. The wind was stiffer than I hoped.  If the canopy was going to be caught in wind and flip me, it would surely do so in this wind. I was perhaps taking my life in my hands. Would my boat sink with the holes in which I had screwed the canopy supports? Would the hull remain watertight? Would the wind pick up my canopy like a kite and carry me to Oz?

But as you can see, I was smiling despite my fear. See, I had just come from a SPECTACULAR event. I had been on our HELP Pregnancy Center  RV with our Citie4Life Nurse, Courtney, and our HELP sonographer Kelly, doing an ultrasound of a baby whose mama had taken the abortion pill a week ago. We had started her on the abortion pill reversal protocol a week ago  and now were doing the first recheck to see if the baby was still alive  If the baby still lived, her chances were very good that she would continue to thrive.

We held our breath as Kelly started the ultrasound. Almost immediately, we saw the beating heart. Courtney whispered, “It’s beating.” Then she hugged me. We had a LOT of love and emotion and effort invested in this baby. A good strong heartbeat,  a week’s worth of growth, and the little baby was moving about. 

I high-fived the mama. “Good job!!!”

After the joy of seeing that little baby alive and apparently thriving, we shared the Gospel with the parents. Early in the Gospel presentation, the father realized that it was clear he was NOT good enough to enter Heaven. All our works are as filthy rags, the Bible tells us, even our righteous works!

“Then what IS good enough?”he asked me.
“Great question,” I said, “And I promise I will tell you.”
As I continued sharing the Gospel, and reached the point of Jesus resurrection, I asked him, “What did Jesus overcome when He rose from the dead?”
Awareness dawned on the young father’s face and he smiled broadly. “DEATH!!! He overcame death!!! That is what is good enough, isn’t it???”
“Yes,” I said. “By His death and resurrection, the penalty for our sin was paid for, and Jesus proved He had the power and authority to raise us from the dead, that He had defeated death once and for all.”

The couple was eager to commit their lives to Jesus at that point. They had seen a bona-fide miracle of God in the life of their baby, and they saw no good reason not to proclaim Him as Lord and seek to live for Him from that moment forward.

The photo above is of the mother and father holding a model of a baby the size of their precious child. We don’t want to post their faces or names to preserve their privacy, but they were eager to have us share the picture and the  generalities of their story if it might save others.

Would my kayak flip? The wind was stronger than I thought. At times, I was paddling hard against the wind wanting to push me a way I didn’t want to go. The kayak rocked more than it does without the canopy. In fact, I was a half hour from the dock when the wind and the waves picked up even more. Would my kayak hold me safe and secure?

In several difficult struggles with women I counseled over the week, the same theme emerged. They did not want to abort, they knew it was wrong, but they did not trust that they could withstand the struggles they would face in the future. They all claimed to believe in God, and they all claimed to have faith in Him...yet they all wanted to find a way to avoid the trials before them even if it meant defying God.

I  challenged them to test their faith in God through this illustration. If one has never seen a boat before, and is encouraged to step into a boat on shore, it would be easy to trust that boat. It is not going to sink on shore. Just like me in that first picture in this blog sitting in my kayak on the dock. I had faith my kayak would float and be safe with the new shade canopy, but it was untested faith. However, as soon as I launched into the river, it was an entirely different matter. I wouldn’t truly have faith in the boat’s ability to hold me until I tested it in the wind and choppy waters.

The same is true of faith in God. It is easy to claim Jesus is Lord of our lives when all is smooth sailing with no struggles or worries. It is an entirely different thing to trust God when we are terrified and our situation seems impossible. Can we trust God in the storms of life?

The Bible says sometimes our poor choices bring struggles and sometimes God brings struggles into our lives. Our response in either case should remain the same. Trust and follow God and obey what He asks of us. We will never know if God will sustain us in all things until our faith is tested. Faith is like trusting my kayak in the deep water will keep me afloat. Anyone can trust a boat on shore.

My kayak rocked. It did not flip over. No alligators devoured me. My joy was complete.

Click HERE for video of maiden voyage of my kayak canopy.


James 1:3 

For you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.

Mark 4:38-41 

But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion. And they woke him and said to him, “Teacher, do you not care that we are perishing?” And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you so afraid? Have you still no faith?” And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?”

1 Timothy 1:19 

Holding faith and a good conscience. By rejecting this, some have made shipwreck of their faith,

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