Tuesday, April 17, 2018

I Feared I Would Be A Bad Mother so I Decided to Abort...

Sometimes we miss the forest for the trees....

“What are the obstacles you face that made you feel abortion was an option?” I asked the young mother. She met us on the sidewalks of the busiest abortion center in the southeast. I was counseling her on the Monroe HELP Pregnancy Center RV, after she viewed her baby on the mobile ultrasound who was dancing up a storm in her womb.
“I was afraid I would be a bad mother,” the woman said.
“Are you a mother now?” I asked, as we gazed at the ultrasound photos of her baby.
“Tell me, which of these two do you think would be a ‘bad mother’: Killing your baby...or raising her to the best of your ability?”

The woman chose life, and Cities4Life will help her as much as possible. I am grateful she chose life, but once again, am dumbfounded by the thoughts and fears that lead women to the abortion center. If abortion were not an option, how would women deal with fears of being a bad mother? 

Women would read the plethora of books that train new mothers. They would ask advice of those who are good mothers. They would learn from experience and common sense. They would do what mothers have done for thousands of years to grow into the role of motherhood.

How tragic that with the laws of our country, there are those that believe that concerns of being a bad mother justify killing an innocent human baby in the womb. Many of the reasons for abortion are issues most of us faced as young parents starting off in life. If abortion wasn’t an option, most of us learned how to cope and in the process, learned discernment, wisdom, patience, perseverance, tenacity...and what love and faith is all about.

On the flip side, right after getting home from the sidewalk of the abortion center, a young teen called me. She was pregnant, terrified, and had no idea what to do. But this is what she DID know; killing the innocent child in her womb was flat out wrong. She had no idea what she would do, but she would not abort. I had a full team working behind the scenes gathering resources for me to share with the teen. While she has a great deal to process and deal with, she feels empowered. She now is working through several options. She will get through this and she has learned so much already about courage, faith, working with integrity and moral fortitude through struggles that sometimes we create through our own bad choices.

What does anyone learn by killing their own child? 

Praise God, the first woman changed her mind and Cities4Life counselors were available to offer hope and help. Praise God the second young lady is now surrounded with people trained and eager to help her. What if no one was available at that last critical place of despair to suggest that there were other options than abortion to battle the fears and obstacles young pregnant women face?


2 Corinthians 10:3-5 

For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but have divine power to destroy strongholds. We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,


  1. What an evil lie from Satan! He told this woman to kill her child to avoid being a "bad mother". Incredible. I'm so grateful you were there to speak truth and life to her. Is this the mom you asked me to shower?

    1. Yes, this is the one we hope to shower. To be fair, it was not her only reason, but it was one of her main ones, and I agree, it is a lie from Satan. She was feeling so awful that we could not spend much time with her...but I do hope to speak with her more today.


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