Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Idols in disguise

As the chair tipped back and the warm water began to sprint through my hair, I almost jumped out of my seat. Large lumpy things began to squiggle and move in the small of my back. Suddenly, as the stylist began massaging my scalp, the chair became alive with leather fingers kneading the knots out of my neck and back. After the initial fright, I closed my eyes and thought this is what all the struggle was for. I have found Peace at last.

As I drifted deeper towards Nirvana, I thought I heard a voice telling me it was time to go get my hair cut now. I was being urged to leave the only complete relaxation I had ever known. I didn't open my eyes.
"How about it you just go cut my hair without me?" I urged.
The stylist laughed, "It will be a beautiful cut."
"If it is half as good as the chair, it will be," I murmured, "Can I buy the Chair instead?"

 I was desperate for a haircut, as I leave to see my folks tomorrow, and my hair after 10 weeks without a cut was all over the place.This is not my regular hair cuttery. However, it will be now. I didn't care what she did to my hair, as long as I would be allowed to visit the Chair again. I knew there were different levels of stylists here, and of course, I chose the less pricey one.
 I wondered if the level 4 stylists let their clients stay an extra few minutes in the Chair. I think I would have become a criminal to support my Chair habit.
I followed the stylist reluctantly to her salon station, glancing back repeatedly at the Chair.

This is not really Heaven, I had to keep telling myself. Heaven will be much more wonderful. Once again, here I am on earth trying to substitute temporal pleasures for what my heart really longs for- the eternal pleasures of God. I don't think I am alone on this one. The writer of "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush" gets my point of view. Even the Bible while not necessarily condoning my false idols, understands the allure. Who can forget one of my favorite verses: A live lion is better than a dead dog.?I may have come to the salon with the purpose of a haircut, but the temptation of eternal massage by the chair was fuzzying my intentions.

I settle for too little, because it is so easily available, because it is present, because it removes the kink in my spine. I get distracted by things that are nice, but only satisfy for a season. I forget the things that will satisfy for eternity. Worthy goals are sometimes sidetracked by momentary pleasure. I would tackle and shove aside my grandmother (if she were still alive) for one minute in the Chair, but sometimes can't rouse the energy and attention for 30 seconds of communing with the God who created both her and me. Idols are not always made of Gold and given obvious worship. Sometimes idolatry is subtle, and that is when it is perhaps most dangerous.

"When would you like to book your next appointment?" the stylist asked, as I gazed at my new, lovely haircut.
"Tomorrow," I said, "Unless you have an opening this afternoon."

1 Samuel 12:20-22

 20 “Do not be afraid,” Samuel replied. “You have done all this evil; yet do not turn away from the LORD, but serve the LORD with all your heart. 21 Do not turn away after useless idols. They can do you no good, nor can they rescue you, because they are useless. 22 For the sake of his great name the LORD will not reject his people, because the LORD was pleased to make you his own.


  1. That's the "shiny thing" syndrome. Jim and are always catching ourselves losing the train of thought of a conversation, or going astray on an errand in pursuit of a new shiny thing. But the day they let me have ice WATER, there was no shiny thing in the world that could have distracted me. The glorious day that the ice chips could be immersed in that liquid ambrosia, a delicate mix of hydrogen with just a soupscon of oxygen, after four full days where I would tell Jim to get me some ice water and he tell me no but he would happily get me my ice chips, after 4 days of him oh so wisely pouring out the melting ice chips before handing me the cup if I chose to ice my own tongue, the day that I was allowed to combine the two most unusual states into a mixture divine, that day I was undetoured. When all the effects of this medical oddity are gone, I hope the singlemindedness of simple joyous heartfilling overwhelming pleasure that that moment embodied, I hope that remains pristine. And as you say, now I simply have to get my life in order to have that PALE in comparison to the singleminded simple joyous heartfilling overwhelming pleasure that saying good morning to God is.

  2. That is so beautifully said and exactly exactly the point I was trying to make! It is so hard to keep in perspective that every single breath is a gift of God so miraculously that we should be in constant praise and adoration!


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