Monday, March 5, 2012

In His Temple

The Bradford Pear trees in our neighborhood have all bloomed in a profusion of snow white petals. They line both sides of our main street extending their snowy limbs in an arc over the street. It is our neighborhood at its finest. The magnificent beams of white blossoms poised like fragrant cathedral rafters over our heads will only last a few days. Then the blossoms will be blown off in a white flurry to grace the street edges, and the trees will be green like all the others. I need to make time today to walk beneath their bloom laden boughs. It is one of those fleeting delights that God sees fit to offer only briefly. Here today and gone tomorrow, so enjoy today.

And today is special. Today my baby starts Driver's Ed. Since she will be going every afternoon to the Catholic school nearby for the class, I even bought her khaki pants and polo shirts that match the Catholic uniform there. I don't want her to feel like an oddball, though she insists feeling like an oddball is fine with her. If she is an oddball, she is like the oddball Bradford Pear Tree, magnificently different from all the other bland green least to my adoring eyes. I must make time today to soak in the joy of her presence. She is one of those fleeting gifts that God sees fit to loan me only briefly. Here to college enjoy today.

When Jesus was transfigured on the mountain top, and Peter saw Him in His glorious magnificence, Peter longed to hold on to that experience. He wanted to build a tent for Him, as though that might tempt Jesus to remain there with Peter on the mountaintop. But that wasn't God's plan, or frankly, very often His way. We seem to hold on to visions of glory only for a moment before we begin to forget how glorious they really are. It is sometimes only when they are carried away like blossoms on the wind that we wish we had strolled more slowly while gazing on their beauty.

Psalm 27:4
One thing I ask from the Lord,
this only do I seek:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze on the beauty of the Lord
and to seek him in his temple.

-save a dog-

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