Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grass and Sin stain

As I walked alongside the pasture, a horse came galloping over to me.
"This horse really loves people," I thought, and so paused to wait for him to reach the fence. If he was that excited to greet a human , the least I could do was pause in my busy "holiday-overconsumption-reduction- mal-effects" program to say hello.

His beautiful head was held high, tail streaming behind him. He was glorious as he ran towards me. I was sure he was thinking the same about me. It was the first really cold day of the season, and I was wearing my warm and lovely white hat, white coat, and white mittens. Normally I don't wear white to Asherel's riding lessons because animals abound and animals always make a mess of white. However, this time I did, and the lovely white horse was dashing over to what I am sure he considered the lovely human in white.

As he reached the fence, he threw his head over it, begging me to stroke his muzzle. I lifted my pristine white gloved hand to pet his nose when he exploded.
I had never heard a horse sneeze or snort so emphatically and jumped back in surprise.

Then I looked down at my white coat. It was covered with shrapnel of sticky , gummy, green, staining grass. I automatically hurried to wipe it off and then my pristine white gloves were also covered with sticky, gummy, green, staining grass.

The horse stood there waiting to be pet. Then I noticed his friend in the field look up from his grazing, whinny, and come galloping over.

"Tell your friend I'd love to stay and chat,'but I have to get to the Dry Cleaner before it closes," I explained, hurrying on.

It almost seemed he had spit on me on purpose, and I wasn't certain, but I thought I heard the two horses laughing as I scurried away.

It's strange, but I was living the reverse of what the Bible tells us about stains. I was parading as clean as snow, white and perfect.
However, God tells us that the stain of sin is as scarlet, making us covered in filthy rags. Unlike
the horse, though our sins stain us, He reverses the process, and makes us clean. Jesus repeatedly railed against the hypocrisy of the folks who refused to see their own sin or the need for God Himself to cleanse them. Was the horse giving me a lesson and reminding me that I needed to make a trip to the Master Dry Cleaner?

I glanced back at the horses as I walked on. They were melting back to their grazing. How odd, I thought, are the messengers of God.

Isaiah 1:18
“Come now, let us reason together,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.

-nothing is impossible with God

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