Thursday, November 18, 2010

The Heavens Declare

"Why is that lady wrapped in shawls standing in the middle of the road with her head stuck in the up position?"
"I don't know dear, go back to sleep, it is only 5 a.m."
"But Mommy, I am worried about her. She has been out there ten minutes. I don't think she can move her head down. She looks stuck."
"I am sure she is fine. If she is still there when the sun rises, we'll call 911."
"But Mommy, it's frigid out there. Do you think she is one of the tragic results of our burgeoning debt and unemployment rate?"
"No dear, I suspect she is just crazy. Some people are."
"Do you think she is watching the stars?"
"That's possible but unlikely. The lampposts obliterate so much of the lovely night sky."
"Maybe that's why she is in the middle of the street, trying to see past the light pollution."
"Honey, go back to bed."
"Mommy, I read that the Leonid meteor showers were putting on a show big time this week. Why aren't we standing in the middle of the street looking at the stars?"
"Because dearest, you have to stand there in the frigid cold in the wee hours of the morning for a very long time. And even then you are not promised to see a single meteor."
"But you might, right Mommy?"
"It is not likely,with all the lights in our neighborhood, and how you must be looking at just the right spot at just the right time."
"Then why do you think she is bothering to try?"
"I don't know. She probably has nothing else to write about in her daily blog, and is hoping to see something that will usher in hope and joy and faith to a world that has grown cynical and hardened."
"I hope she sees one then, Mommy, or it will be so sad, won't it?"
"No dear, I suspect standing there looking at the stars is pleasure in itself......"
"What are you doing Mommy?"
"Getting our coats, silly, hurry while it is dark enough to see the stars!"

Psalm 19: 1-3
 1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
   the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
   night after night they reveal knowledge.
3 They have no speech, they use no words;
   no sound is heard from them.

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