Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Hope and Gratitude

It will be a small celebration for us at Thanksgiving. The boys won't be home so it will be just Asherel and her stodgy old folks. Sorry Asherel! But Friday, we plan to go skiing. I am watching the weather and the snow in the mountains. If all goes well, we will have clear roads and snowy mountains. Still, I was feeling a little down that as our children grow up and out, our home gets emptier.

ON the plus side, since there will be no big family gathering or guests coming, I won't have to knock myself out cleaning the house. It will give me time to work on my next article. Yesterday, I interviewed an SC candidate for the Senate who hopes to unseat Lindsey Graham. I do not consider myself well versed in politics at all, but I do care deeply about my nation and have grave concerns about the plunge into moral , social, fiscal, and spiritual decay. (Other than that, I feel hopeful.) Anyway, I was told this candidate was different...might really have a vision that could turn things around. He has been very busy since declaring his candidacy so I didn't know if he would ever have time to sit down and chat with me.

Then yesterday, Bill Connor called and for 90 minutes we discussed everything from his philosophy of government, to his heroes, his vision for the country, his concerns and solutions, his diagnosis of the problems and his cures. I finished the interview thinking maybe there really is hope for America. Maybe all the good, brave, intelligent, articulate, Godly, and righteous people have not given up. 

I loved how he prefaced his desire to serve politically with the Biblical mandate for government. He quoted 1 Peter 2, how we are to be subject to the human institution of government, whose role is to punish evil and praise good. How refreshing it was to hear someone unabashedly see God's hand in the affairs of men and to have a world view fashioned after Biblical principles. He was quick to point out that he did not wish to form a theocracy -- he knew America was a Constitutional Republic. But the lens through which he viewed the world and his role in it was based on his relationship with and understanding of God.

I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. I am grateful that while my children are not all here this week, they are happy and thriving. I am grateful that for a little while my beloved daughter is still home with us and we get to ski together, something she and I truly love. And now I have a new item to add to my list of Thanksgiving blessings -- God has raised up a fresh, eager warrior in the battle for our nation's soul. It blesses all of us when Godly people listen to their calling in the service of others.  Maybe there is hope.

Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. (1 Peter 2:13-15 ESV)

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