Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Sources of Wonder

I am in NY helping out and visiting my folks after Mom took a bad tumble. Her split head was stitched, and didn't bother her, but pain in her back increased to the point where we thought we better take her back in for an x-ray. Her doctor concurred and it was back to the urgent care. While waiting for the x-ray, she missed her favorite show, Judge Judy. Fortunately, I had my laptop with me and was able to find an interview with Judge Judy that tied Mom over till the x-ray.

Before the fun visit back to the ER, we had been to lunch and a drive. When my folks go to lunch, (an every day delight for them) they drive a long, scenic route home. They are always on the prowl for wildlife. As I drove on the prerequisite hour-long tour of their beautiful countryside, I asked if they always see something special. Not always. But sometimes they catch a glimpse of a deer, or a heron, or wild turkeys, and that is a 5-star day.

This drive, we spotted a heron in a pond and pulled over to watch him. We got to see him stalk, spear a fish, and then fly away. My parents were delirious with delight. Then we traveled on and spotted turkeys on the roadside. I personally believe they were pets, not wild but it was still a thrill as a mom, dad, and two young turkeys crossed the road.  We were all overcome with the bounty of a single drive. Mom told a story of taking her world-traveling brother on such an after-lunch drive when he had just returned from Africa. He had gone on a wild-life safari, and seen all kinds of exotic animals. She found it amusing in retrospect that she and dad were excitedly on the hunt to spot a heron, or wild turkey when my uncle had just seen wild lions, and cheetahs, and elephants.

Consider those two contrasting experiences. I love the enthusiasm and enjoyment and wonder my parents express over the simple joys of life. Many of us will never be able to travel to an exotic country with unusual creatures, but all of us can find the unique joys and elusive wonders of the places where we are planted. My dad shared that he always felt like he was on vacation as he traveled his sales region (upstate NY) each day. Long drives in the beautiful countryside in between meeting with clients, catching sights of herons, and foxes, and deer.

Life can be viewed through so many lenses. It is so easy to focus on what we do not have, or worse, not find delight in what we do have. The Bible reminds us that peace accompanies contentment. The source of true peace is an abiding relationship with God. We don't have to travel anywhere to find that. It should be a continual source of wonder and delight.

The x-ray was negative. No broken bones. Praise God for little blessings.

Philippians 4:11 

Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content.

Isaiah 26:3 

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

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