Sunday, November 5, 2017

The Trees Rejoice at His Coming Judgment

The trees are changing color here in subdued tones. Not the most spectacular fall I have seen. Already our birch tree in the front yard has lost most of its leaves. As the leaves flutter to the ground exposing the slim bare limbs, I imagine the trees clapping and stretching worshipful tendrils to God. Like in the verse above, the trees are shouting for joy, singing to God for His judgment is righteous and true.

I have been thinking a good bit about truth. What I believe is true is challenged daily on the sidewalks of the abortion center where our Cities4Life teams speak truth on behalf of the babies who cannot speak for themselves. Sometimes, I am stunned by the denial of truth, common-sense truth, that I see play to a gruesome conclusion each day I am there.

The ‘pro-choice’ activists there are continually mocking us and saying we lie. I certainly don’t ever intend to lie, but when one speaks as many hours as I do over the microphone  and calling out to the women, it is entirely possible I have said something inaccurate. If called on it, I would certainly check it out! However, what we say about the truth of God’s word is the only truth I know I can trust. It is solid. The relativistic truth of the ‘pro-choice’ movement is shifting sand.

But one of the men who was trying to shout me down for an hour one day this week as I spoke said something very interesting. I was speaking about absolute truth, absolute moral rights and wrongs. I believe they do exist, and logically must exist. I said, “Abortion is one of those things that at its core is wrong. Taking innocent human life is wrong, and we can help you so you don’t feel you need to do this.”

To my surprise, the “pro-choice” advocate shouted, “Of course it’s wrong. We all know abortion is wrong!”

Now he said more, maybe that we had no right to tell anyone not to do it just because it was wrong...but his admission stunned me. If it is wrong, he knows it is wrong, he publicly admits it is wrong, why is he so vigorously preventing women from speaking to us who have so many resources to help them make a choice for life?

Even the trees know a day of judgment is coming. They sing for joy before the Lord, heralding the day when He comes to judge the earth. That man will stand before a holy God one day, as we all will, and give an accounting of his life. We will all list what we have done, both right and wrong, before the Perfect Judge one day.

We will all see Jesus face to face on that day. We will all know then with no doubt that He is real, and that He has been beckoning to us for years, decades, epochs, to come to Him. To do what is right and flee from what is wrong. First and foremost, we will have to answer the question of how we followed and loved the creator of the universe and all life...or how we defied, mocked, and ran from Him.

The trees clap their hands in anticipation. Do you?

Psalm 52:8 

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God. I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.

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