On my way to Urgent Care last night, I remembered how I had told Asherel on our very fun but exhausting 10 day trip up North that my body will often wait til the vacation ends before it implodes. I am not blessed with a terribly strong immune system and lack of sleep and overfull days always do a number on my health. I am fine now, on antibiotics and feeling a good bit better , but last night I was wondering if I could make it to Urgent Care and how many hours I would have to wait til blessed medication could attack the nasty opportunistic microbes that were kicking me while I was down.
I saw the path to health before me, but there were all those tangled thorny obstacles I would have to clear first. The last time I was in urgent care, I had to wait 3 hours. And our pharmacy was only open til 6....which had passed by an hour ago. Where would I find an open pharmacy on Sunday night? So many worries and so little forehead left unwrinkled.
But joy of joys, when I walked into Urgent Care, three nurses sat around the desk chewing their cud and not one other moaning patient in sight.
"Hallelujah!" I cried, "Am I the only one?"
The nurses leaped to their feet and began weighing me, measuring me, blood pressure cuffing me, handing me forms, handing me cups, patting my hand, and leading me like a queen to the examining throne. Within 15 minutes of arrival I was diagnosed, prescribed, and sent on my way with happy nurses waving in a tight pack of good cheer and best wishes.
This is why I am opposed to universal health care. Health care for JUST ME is so much more pleasant.
I found a pharmacy open 24 hours and the sympathetic pharmacist told me to sit and wait, he would have me out of there in 10 minutes. An hour later, I was done eating the good meal my husband had prepared and snuggling into bed already feeling the drugs attacking and destroying the bad guys.
It never works this way. Never. I don't know why it did this time, except that for whatever reason, God chose not to work on my character development and just hand me an evening of mercy instead. That probably means I am in for a whopping serving of character development soon, if the past is any guide to the future but for now, I am luxuriating in everything going miraculously right.
3 John 1:2
Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.
I am praying for your healing. --Hugs!