The development of the theory of this elusive Dark Matter is heartwarming, and described by the Wall Street Journal article as requiring many areas of science to come together and make leaps of "imagination". Leaps of "imagination". What an odd use of words. Since this indicates scientific reliability I may adopt this new phrase. Now really, I applaud the scientists their work and their research and the multitude of ways that they have advanced my life bringing me things like programmable coffee makers. But I cannot help but feel sorry for the seekers of Dark Matter huddled in the deep underground cave in Minnesota in the dead of winter.
I am going to offer them some friendly advice. Take a break this week. This week, be a seeker of Light Matter, the one who is the light of the world. Take a leap of "imagination" and huddle around the story of a baby born to light the darkness.
According to John 3:19, "Men loved darkness rather than light because their deeds were evil." So many walk in darkness, blinded by the evil prince of darkness.