Saturday, December 5, 2009

A Dog Day of Winter....

Today was the dogfood/blanket drive I organized for Hollow Creek Farm in our neighborhood. Asherel and I put out 200 flyers last week, and prayed for a good response. We asked donors to put the dogfood by their mailbox and at 11:00 this morning we would drive by to get the bounty that would feed Nicole's dogs in these really tough times.
During the week, three sweet women called to ask me to come get their donation check. Alas this morning was rainy though, and I was worried no one would leave food out in the rain.
However, as usual, the kindness of strangers again sparkled in the rain, and we gathered almost 200 pounds of food, many blankets and over $100 in donations. This will only feed HCF dogs for about 3 weeks... but it is a huge blessing in the midst of the number of unemployed people.
However, as I gathered and counted the food, I lamented to Asherel that this was only enough to last maybe three weeks. I had hoped for a larger outpouring of kibble.
Asherel, in her characteristically sunny way replied, "It is 200 pounds of food they didn't have yesterday."
This is true. God didn't send the hungry Israelites a month's worth of manna.... He sent enough for one day at a time. He urged them to be content with that, and to trust that He would take care of tomorrow....tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Jesus taught us to pray, "Give us THIS DAY our DAILY bread."


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