Thursday, April 21, 2016

Cancer Fighting Foods and Spiritual Food

I have been watching a series, The Truth about Cancer, and gleaning all kinds of holistic advice on fighting this disease. The suggestions I can incorporate instantly that make sense to me, I do. I cannot go into all the science behind it, but there is PROOF that Shitake and Maitake and Reishi mushrooms shrink tumors. I LOVE mushrooms, so right away raced out to buy the first two. (Couldn't find the third).

Next, there is evidence that flaxeed oil, combined and well mixed with cottage cheese, flushes out toxins and reduces tumors. Sounds harmless. I ran out and bought both, mixed them with my mushrooms, and YUM.

I have a week till my surgery. If the tumors I can feel have shrunk, I will ask for another MRI before surgery. If not, I will get surgery, but I will continue to follow the dietary suggestions for preventing reoccurance of this disease.

So many friends have offered free products they use to promote health of the immune system. Essential oils, juice plus, Plexus. I have accepted all. Why not? I do believe the natural world God gave us is sufficient to heal all our ills. I also believe He empowered doctors to do good works here on Earth, and I trust my oncology surgeon. He is a good man, who called me to see how I was doing, and when I started crying, he told me, "It's ok. I don't mind if you cry."

I do not want cancer, and I am not excited about the surgery or chemo. But I am overwhelmed by the love and kindness of so many people. Cancer has reinvigorated my understanding of how precious friends and family are, and of how selfless and generous people can be in the midst of tragedy. I have never loved being with people. I am an introvert, and gain energy from being alone. But there is a reason why God tells us NOT to neglect gathering together. I am surrounded by love in my time of greatest need.

Thank you Lord. Thank you for what I am learning in this trial. Thank you for the unbelievable swell of support by family, friends, and even strangers.

FYI- the pastel above is for sale. It is called "Don't Look Back."  God is guiding us, the path is laid out. When you know the Way, keep your focus on Him. Looking back was what caused Lot's wife to turn to a pillar of salt. Keep your eyes on the Master leading you. You may contact me at if interested in purchasing this small pastel.



  1. I follow Janet's Appalachian Kitchen on Facebook. She had a rare-ish cancer and had surgery but she is a firm believer in foods being cancer fighters. She had to live away from home during her chemo and she coped by cooking healing foods for her housemates. Apart from that, I love her southern home cooking recipes.

  2. I can totally relate to your need for quiet time. However, because of your writings and your teaching for so many years, God has given you an amazing platform to reach so many people and to share His goodness! You've done that so faithfully. Wherever this pathway leads you, I know you will continue to give Him glory, and Jesus Christ will continue to shine forth in your life. Praying continually with you for healing and trusting God for great and mighty things!


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