Our tallest bamboo trees tower over all but the tallest oak in our yard, seemingly secure in their ascendancy over the smaller plants. Yet in every rainstorm, the drops of water cumulatively pull down on the flexible stalks, and the bamboo hunch over like an old woman. Their once soaring pinnacles scrape the mud, dejected and unable to stretch heavenward.
I eyed the bending bamboo and glanced at my jerry- rigged foam and duct tape kayak holder atop the van.
"It only has to be secure for 4 hours on the interstate...." I mused.
Still, a day of city driving had definitely resulted in some shifting. The kayak was listing at a new angle with the bottom edge slowly pushing the foam stop at the edge of the roof rack. What else could I use to secure the two kayaks? I reached in my pocket for some old chewing gum and read the instructions: "To be used only for chewing- do not attempt to secure roof rack objects with this product."
I had been pretty smug when I made the foam and duct tape kayak holder. I saved us $150 for one that is factory produced and therefore might actually work. However, as I glanced at the once proud bamboo now begging for a cane and some tylenol for its aching trunk, I knew that security is an illusive commodity.
So many things I rest secure in that ultimately crumble and disappoint- smooth skin, muscles that do what you ask them to, family that are always there for you, friends that give unconditional support, our government, my bank account, cavity preventing toothpaste, the all purpose cracker.... You name it.... any thing we think is unchangingly secure is not. And if we think it is, the result is bitterness when it inevitably fails us.
The only security that never fails is God Himself. He may not do what I think He ought to, but then I tend to trust in duct tape and foam, so I may not be the best judge. But He is always there, and while my flesh and my world may crumble, He alone is able to gather the pieces and resurrect them. And my suspicion is He uses something more secure than even duct tape or chewing gum.
Psalm 16: 9-11
Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest secure, [10] because you will not abandon me to the grave, nor will you let your Holy One see decay. [11] You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.
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ReplyDelete"More secure is no one ever
ReplyDeleteThan the loved one of the Savior,
Not yon star on high abiding,
Nor the bird in home nest hiding.
"What He takes or what He gives us
Shows the Father's love so precious;
We may trust His purpose wholly
'Tis His children's welfare solely."
How secure we are in Him!