Monday, April 10, 2017

Delighting in a Child's Delight

Yesterday, I rolled my kayak on its little cart to the Catawba River shore to launch. A little boy and girl were standing there with their dad.
"I want to go in the boat," the little girl said.
"One day when you are old enough to paddle, I will take you," he said.
The little children fell silent, looking longingly at my kayak.

I had not eaten lunch. I had dashed to the river right after church. Hubby was a guitarist in the second service worship band so wouldn't miss me, but I wanted to be back before he returned home. I was on a tight, careful, down to the minute schedule. If I could launch in ten seconds, kayak one hour, and pack up in 5 minutes, I would be home in time. I had not one second to spare.

The kids' big eyes followed my every move. I made a decision.

"Would you like a ride in my boat?" I asked, "If it is okay with your dad?"
"Is it okay, Dad?????" the children asked, jumping up and down.
He nodded.

The little boy went first. I taught him how to paddle, then held on to my tie rope and shoved the kayak into the river. He was very excited. He held the paddles upside down, so he wasn't really propelling the boat, but he was still very proud of himself.

Now it was the little girl's turn. She had cowboy boots on. I told her I had cowboy boots just like hers. I lifted her into my kayak so she wouldn't get her boots wet.

I took their pictures which I texted immediately to the daddy, who told me those pictures would go right in his photo album. I lifted the little girl out of the boat, and the two children stood on shore gripping their dad's hand.

"Thank you," they said, in their tiny voices.
"You're welcome. You did a very good job paddling."

Then I got in my kayak and they cheered as the dad pointed out how fast I went when I paddled away from shore. I would not be able to keep to my carefully crafted schedule but I wouldn't have traded those smiles on those sweet faces for anything!

I thought of the pro-choice protesters we will face today on the sidewalks of the abortion center. One of their favorite taunts is we are pro-birth, not pro-life. They claim we care only about the baby being born and then nothing about what happens to him after that. I thought of my fellow counselor who is trying to find furniture for a mom she works with as well as clothes for one of the mom's older kids. Another  pro-life counselor spent her Saturday providing a baby shower for a mom who chose life over abortion in which she will receive EVERYTHING her child will need for the first two years of life. I spent part of my day Saturday in ongoing crisis counseling with a mom of a 9-month old. Then I thought of my delight brightening the day of those little children I had never met before.

Maybe some of you believe this lie of the pro-choice crowd. I would urge you to stand with us on the sidewalks of the abortion center. See for yourself. We need more people willing to help these conflicted moms at the place where they most need to hear someone tell them they are not alone. God is there, and so are His servants here on earth eager to do His will. Please email me at for information about Cities4Life sidewalk ministry.

The radio report by the NPR reporter that visited us on the sidewalks last Monday will be broadcast this morning on 90.7 FM Charlotte, WFAE, from 9-10 a.m., and then rebroadcast 9-10 p.m.  It is also available to listen to all day Monday online at

I have no idea if it will be a favorable presentation or not. I hope it will be, but who knows? It is easy to take phrases out of context, resulting in a distorted view. Please pray that a positive portrayal of the wonderful Cities4Life ministry is presented.
Many of my readers have requested the link to my new book in paperback when it came out on Amazon. It is HERE!!!!

Luke 18:15-17

Now they were bringing even infants to him that he might touch them. And when the disciples saw it, they rebuked them. But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”

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